This week is suicide prevention week.
Depression is so very real! My heart is heavy right now. I want to share my thoughts on depression. Please if you know anyone dealing with depression reach out to them.
We say things like "they've fought depression for years. They battle depression...yada yada...when someone kills themselves we say they "lost their fight with depression. I have said the same thing. But really? It sounds like we lump this into a category of illness that can be fought if we just fight hard enough. I would think if we could REALLY fight depression things would be a lot easier. I don't really think one can "fight" depression.
Let me just say this about depression. Depression isn't about feeling sad. Depression is about feeling nothing. And how do you fight NOTHING?
As Hyperbole and a Half writer Allie Brosh writes:
The most frustrating thing about depression (is that) it isn't always something you can fight back against with hope. It isn't even something - it's nothing. And you can't combat nothing. You can't fill it up. You can't cover it up. It's just there, pulling the meaning out of everything. That being the case, all the hopeful, proactive solutions start to sound completely insane in contrast to the scope of the problem.
So there you have don't battle depression, you endure it. You experience, you LIVE it day after day.
Sure you are not totally powerless. You learn to work out what triggers the worst episodes. You find a good doctor. You find what works and you stick with it. You learn who to trust in your family and friends to tell them what's going on. You learn who to lean on when things are getting bad. Yep there are lots of things to be done for us to "manage" our depression. But there are times where it's just not good enough...but that doesn't mean we didn't "fight" hard enough.
We think as a society telling those dealing with depression to "choose to live" is helpful...well it's's destructive and's insinuating that they don't believe enough, that they aren't fighting is more destructive. It's not okay to tell depression sufferers they'll be okay if they believe hard enough or choose to be happy. It's not okay to tell them to try harder! They try hard EVERY day!
If you know someone living with depression don't assume you understand what they are going through and don't just tell them to get over it and move on.
If you or someone you love is thinking about suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or visit
Friday, September 11, 2015
Saturday, July 4, 2015
United We Stand
This Fourth of July morning, I sit here drinking my coffee. I am replaying all of the political news as of late.
There is obvious much debate about the Confederate flag and the "real" history behind it. There seems to be a great division among the people of the Home of the FREE and the BRAVE. I seriously hate the division that seems to still be a part of our nation. I hate to even think about the fact that racism really does still exist. As much progress we have made through history...we still seem to be a nation stuck.
We seem to be a nation divided lately in our opinions and our beliefs. Which is why TODAY is so important to remember what it is we are celebrating and why we can celebrate it! We are the melting pot....that much is real. We are all full of our own ideas, beliefs, and agendas. We are a nation full of different cultures, but different races? I never understood that.....we all vary in our skin color yes...and our background in our cultures...but are we all the same RACE? I don't equate race to skin color....our race is HUMAN...and we are ALL human. At least I think....I question some...but..really.......I'm sure some wonder about me at times too! lol
The Fourth of July was the date selected to remember the birth of the UNITED States of America as an independent nation. I think sometimes we forget what UNITED means....ahem...that's JMO!
For today, let's put aside our different opinions and remember that those are what make us unique and special. We still deserve love and respect despite those differences....Let's all come together and remember why we are here and why we are able to express our unique difference...and let's celebrate ...Let's celebrate our race...our human race! Let's celebrate and be UNITED this July 4, 2015!
Can we be a nation UNITED this Fourth of July??? I love ya USA! I love each and everyone of you, my fellow Americans!
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Another Try Something New Moment!!
After divorce we are so lost and most of the time we don't even know who we are. Part of the process of healing from divorce is finding out who we are. Re learning ourselves. Finding our passion in life again.
Every "first", every new thing I try...I am understanding myself more and more. I am enjoying finding out who Marcy is! This is FUN!
Last evening I had another "first time"! I went with a blogger friend of mine to an event at the Pittsburgh Glass Center where fellow more seasoned bloggers gathered for a demo of glass art and workshop. I met some really amazing and talented people. Made some great connections! Not to mention I made a flower!!! I do not consider myself artsy AT all...and let me tell you the process of taking hot glass and molding it, blowing it, pulling, and tilting, spinning...OMG! It is such an art!
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Some of the masterpieces at Pittsburgh Class Center |
These people are amazing artist! If you are from have got to go check them out. You have got to take one of their workshops! Who knows, you may be one of their next feature artists. I am not...but I tried something new! I stepped out of my comfort zone again and had an amazing evening!!!
I encourage you to find another something new! This is the summer time...great time to find a river kayaking group, art class, hiking group, biking....etc....go for it! DO it! Continue to find YOU! Have fun, my friend!
Thank you to the folks at Pittsburgh Glass Center! And thank you to my friend Ashley for inviting me to tag along!
Have a great evening my friends!
Monday, April 27, 2015
Pray For Nepal

I automatically started searching for someone from our camp family that may have spoken to her....and well she and her team are okay! Praise God! Now instead of going for their original mission...they are part of the relief efforts to help the city and people of Nepal.
I am so thankful that she is safe! I can't even imagine the devastation they are experiencing. The mix of emotions that they and everyone there are experiencing! My heart aches!
There are a lot of organizations for you to contact and offer your support through.....and if you have one that you normally use for disaster relief funds, that's awesome! ...but I'm offering an organization that I have supported and donated to for a few years now. please check them out! I know it's difficult to trust and donate when you aren't sure your funds are going for what they are supposed to go towards. BUT there are many..that are legit! Samaritans purse is one of them....check it out for yourself!
One thing we can most certainly PRAY! Please pray for our dear Amanda and her team! PRAY for Nepal!
~love~ Marcy
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// i don't understand grace completely but i do know this: it meets us exactly where we are but refuses to leave it where it found us // by Amanda Clair Szerszen |
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Can I Run WITH You?
Obviously, one of the important details in blogging is having the time. I think about the time I spend online everyday...and reality is. it's not much. I browse here and there. I check my Facebook and comment or like or try to do my part to encourage my fellow bloggers and friends. I usually forget about my Twitter. I just don't seem to have enough time!
I have my blog to reach out and hopefully inspire and remind women that despite the difficulties, there is life after divorce. I don't always have something profound to say or words of wisdom to offer. I know that I want to be a successful blogger. I know that I am not sure how to make blogging work for me right now. BUT I know I am suppose to do this...and I know until I get it right, I will keep at it. Perhaps down the road I will find, that it's really not my thing. BUT if I have touched one woman. If I have reminded ONE woman that there is life after divorce and that they are NOT alone, then my blog has done it's job.
Life is so much easier knowing that we are not alone.
I'm in this everyday race of life just like everyone else. And just like everyone else...we can all say at one time or another it is down right tough! Sometimes I just like to know that I am not alone in this race, don't you?
Will you run with me? (Or in the words of Mr. Rogers..." won't you be my neighbor?" )
I have always wanted to run this race with YOU! So let's make the most of this beautiful long as we're here together, we might as well say....won't you be my partner?
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Sunday, March 29, 2015
~ Who's that Cover Girl?!? ~ OMG! IS that ME?!?!? ~It Can't BE!!! or Can it?? ~
Back In February, I went to a friend of mine for a glamour photography session to update my photos and well to just hopefully feel pretty.
Correct me if I'm wrong....BUT....I'm pretty sure I am not the only woman who while on her way home from a long day at work with tousled hair and remnants of the makeup she so carefully applied at 5 o'clock that morning... is standing in the checkout line at the grocery store, looks at that magazine with the beautiful, airbrushed almost to perfection woman on the cover...and thinks to herself......yeah....right...if only... And while we know that it is airbrushed and that those women have their own beauty blunders we secretly wish just once I'd like to feel the confidence that that model seems to be exuding. "Just once I would love to FEEL THAT beautiful!" Please tell me I am not the only one who has had such thoughts??
I have always struggled with the idea that I am pretty. Not really feeling very pretty at all lately, feeling more like a frumpy mommy.
This is where Ashley and her glamour shots come in ( ....Ashley is this amazing talented photographer...talented in so many areas! Not to mention she has really great hair and is so pretty..and SUPER cool! And she is the reason for this blog!!! She is the great gal that got me started with blogging and set up this awesometastic blog!
I end up setting up a glamour shoot with her...where I went to a local salon she partners with here in Western Pennsylvania....Salon Eye Candy ( in Belle Vernon..they do the hair and makeup... go back to Ashley's studio and play dress up!!!! She made this awesome tulle skirt/dress...OMG..I felt like a princess!!! I EVEN had false eyelashes....shhhhh..I KNOW right?!? ...but seriously! THAT was way cool! I had rockin' eyelashes! just sayin'!
During the photo shoot..I was a little anxious...a little like...I'm too old to do this..I'm too chubby to do this..and really I am just not that pretty...anyhow...she puts on some music and we laugh and talk and she shoots away! It was so much fun!!! Not to mention I got to go home all glammed up, great time to make it night out on the town..btw!
Then the best part is when your pics are done, she calls you and you go to her studio where she has them displayed like some exhibit! HOLY cow! I remember walking in and seeing MY pics displayed so beautifully! I was like WOW...that's me?!?! WOW...I'm not so bad! I have never felt more beautiful than I did that day! I felt like a cover girl! LOL!
How many times do we as adult women, really take time to pamper ourselves and do something like this? Mostly NEVER!!! I think every women should do this...especially as we get a little older..we need to remember that we are beautiful. We need to feel it again and prove to ourselves that we really aren't all the bad!
Ladies, I urge you to find someone in your town and to take the time to do one of these glamour shoots...or even be daring and do a boudoir shoot! HOW cool would that be!?!? Not sure if I could pull that one off...but seriously, go for it ladies! It's time to take back that power and remember that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!
Correct me if I'm wrong....BUT....I'm pretty sure I am not the only woman who while on her way home from a long day at work with tousled hair and remnants of the makeup she so carefully applied at 5 o'clock that morning... is standing in the checkout line at the grocery store, looks at that magazine with the beautiful, airbrushed almost to perfection woman on the cover...and thinks to herself......yeah....right...if only... And while we know that it is airbrushed and that those women have their own beauty blunders we secretly wish just once I'd like to feel the confidence that that model seems to be exuding. "Just once I would love to FEEL THAT beautiful!" Please tell me I am not the only one who has had such thoughts??
I have always struggled with the idea that I am pretty. Not really feeling very pretty at all lately, feeling more like a frumpy mommy.
This is where Ashley and her glamour shots come in ( ....Ashley is this amazing talented photographer...talented in so many areas! Not to mention she has really great hair and is so pretty..and SUPER cool! And she is the reason for this blog!!! She is the great gal that got me started with blogging and set up this awesometastic blog!
I end up setting up a glamour shoot with her...where I went to a local salon she partners with here in Western Pennsylvania....Salon Eye Candy ( in Belle Vernon..they do the hair and makeup... go back to Ashley's studio and play dress up!!!! She made this awesome tulle skirt/dress...OMG..I felt like a princess!!! I EVEN had false eyelashes....shhhhh..I KNOW right?!? ...but seriously! THAT was way cool! I had rockin' eyelashes! just sayin'!
During the photo shoot..I was a little anxious...a little like...I'm too old to do this..I'm too chubby to do this..and really I am just not that pretty...anyhow...she puts on some music and we laugh and talk and she shoots away! It was so much fun!!! Not to mention I got to go home all glammed up, great time to make it night out on the town..btw!
Then the best part is when your pics are done, she calls you and you go to her studio where she has them displayed like some exhibit! HOLY cow! I remember walking in and seeing MY pics displayed so beautifully! I was like WOW...that's me?!?! WOW...I'm not so bad! I have never felt more beautiful than I did that day! I felt like a cover girl! LOL!
How many times do we as adult women, really take time to pamper ourselves and do something like this? Mostly NEVER!!! I think every women should do this...especially as we get a little older..we need to remember that we are beautiful. We need to feel it again and prove to ourselves that we really aren't all the bad!
Ladies, I urge you to find someone in your town and to take the time to do one of these glamour shoots...or even be daring and do a boudoir shoot! HOW cool would that be!?!? Not sure if I could pull that one off...but seriously, go for it ladies! It's time to take back that power and remember that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!
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Marcy |
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