Friday, March 21, 2014


Another new addition to my blog!   Funny Fridays!!!     

While being in an abusive marriage, I use to dread the weekends.  That was when his drinking and behavior was the worse  I usually ended up hiding in my bedroom, or running away alone somewhere.  So while everyone else was like “woohoo!”  It’s Friday, I was, like yay, It’s Friday Sad smile 

So with my new found freedom and life!  I have learned how to enjoy the weekends!  Learned how to have FUN!  So to honor that newfound  love of the weekends, I want to kick off the weekend on a good note for everyone!   Hence, FUNNY FRIDAYS!!!  

I want everyone to chime in with either a funny story, funny picture, or funny positive comment!   It’s FUN to have FUN!!!  woohoo!!!!  GUESS WHAT?????  It’s FRIDAY!!!   woot woot!  Wishing everyone a great, safe, and fun weekend!!! 



  1. I'm glad you are able to enjoy your Fridays! I'm most happy that I get to sleep in tomorrow <3


  2. lol!!! I hear ya Monica! LOVE sleeping in too! Best part of the weekend! Have a great weekend!
