This weekend I've spent it out and about, shopping, walking, Easter shopping, washing my car...MORE shopping! Trying to use what I'm learning from Chelsea Oliver at Chels & the City, and Monica from Pear Shaped Girl,
to put together some fresh spring looks!! Okay, just had to put a shout out to these girls, they are talented and awesome bloggers that I've connected with since I've started my blog in February!
So in my journeys this weekend, I've notice a lot, and I mean A LOT of couples. What I noticed about these couples was that the men in the couple, was walking like 4 feet in front of their partner! I started counting how many times I saw this happening over the course of the weekend. I stopped counting at 35 couples. How SAD! I did however count 7 couples where the partners were walking side by side.
I do not understand it. I use to be in the group where my ex would always walk so far in front of me, and trust me I'm a fast walker, but I'd complain, and say, would you walk WITH me please? His response would be, walk faster! REALLY? Walk faster?
How about show me some respect? How about ACT like you don't mind being seeing with me. Act like you are proud to have me next to you. Be my PARTNER! Perhaps those couples I saw this weekend, the woman didn't mind trailing behind her partner. I know I do not like it. AND now that I get to "start over, I get to be a little more picky about that! Go me! I want a man who will walk BESIDE me! A PARTNER!
I LOVE this quote by Albert Camus:
I say make up a list of the qualities you want in a man.... This sounds Crazy, I know..... You already know what you dont want... Make a list of what you do want. Split the paper in half... negotiables and non negotiables. That way when opportunity presents itself, compare him with your list.... It will help you make the right choice for you, not just whats in front of you.