Wednesday, July 23, 2014

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY ~~ Reminder to FLY, Your Wings are Ready!!

Took this picture at a local park, was there for a bridal shower, this butterfly landed on the silk flower that was attached to one of the gifts!!  LOVE it!!  

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

What's NOT Cool to Me!!

Okay, here's my beef for the day!  This is my blog and I'll rant if I want to!
this image is from the division of labor site

I do not think it's cool that a guy makes dick/penis jokes in a predominately all female workplace with the female staff.  NOT COOL to me...but then again, maybe that is the uptight side of me.  

I was raised and taught upon entering the adult work place, that such talk is frowned upon.  That one may joke around from time to time with their co worker..but for a male staff to go up to a female staff and ask...."what does that look like" reference to a craft that apparently resembled a male appendage.....just not cool. NOT COOL!  

What happened to work place etiquette?  Do I live in the stone ages?  Do I live under a rock?   I mean I too can joke around...or make innuendos just like anyone. I too can be somewhat inappropriate  BUT I thought there was a time and a place for such talk.  Apparently I am wrong and do live under a rock.

I have learned in the last week that it is normal talk in the work place or ANYWHERE.  That it's okay for a guy to joke like that with a female or male co worker or vice versa.  I voiced my concern out of concern for the person making the joke...that it may be mis interpreted and I didn't want them to get in trouble.  It turned into this huge deal of me not being a funny person, being uptight and just not knowing what is normal.  

It has been a week since this dis agreement...and while that person may be okay.  I AM NOT.  I am not cool with it.  And I don't know how to handle rant and vent I will!  I AM NOT okay with it!

Is it okay to make dick/penis jokes at the workplace?  

Seriously Confused...........

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wordless Wednesdays ~

I need to take this title and USE it!!!!!!  Gonna keep my opinions to myself today!  
So there.......  

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Been MIA ~ But I'm BAAAACK!!! ;)

Okay, so I have dropped off the radar since the last week of May.   As you all know I've been working over the last several years to put my life back on track since my divorce.  The divorce was final last June 28th. So many pieces being  put back together...but the one piece I struggled with was finding a home to call my own for me and my boys.   It seemed like such a long ways off and actually impossibility.  True to God's promise...He opened another door.  HE provided me my needs.

On Friday, May 30th, 2014, I signed the documents to my first house!   Right after signing those papers, I drove to WV to attend the wedding of the year!   Since signing those papers, I've been busy with work,  packing AND moving.  So that has not allowed for much time to blog.   I've got to get back!!!

In the upcoming weeks, I'm sure to share some of my moving adventures along with some pics of some of my DIY projects!!!   WHICH, I am totally loving, btw!   It is so awesome to have a place to call my own and to decorate and arrange things the way I WANT!!!   LOVE it!!!

The purpose of my blog today is to share some insight that I shared with a dear friend yesterday.   I have encountered along my journey several of my dear ol' friends and new friends who are also going through a separation and or divorce or other similar heart wrenching events in their lives.  My heart aches for these friends.   And while all of our stories are different...they are similar in some ways.   It's obvious that our hearts are shattered and our judgement is impaired slightly from that heart break.  We doubt our selves, our abilities, our talents and who we are as women.   We make mistakes....some of them that add to our already existing heart break.  But it's not because we are stupid, in capable, or we no longer care.   We are confused and feeling very much alone. Things are in utter chaos emotionally, mentally and physically.  We get caught up and we end up making some pretty big mistakes.  But you know it helps so much to have that one or more friends who really get it.  Who get that we are human...and who come a long side of us and point out our successes, and helps us remember the good we have in ourselves.  It takes that person or persons to help us remember and help us move forward.   It is difficult to have people in our lives that pretend that they are not human.   Those who forget that they too have made mistakes. Those who forget what it's like to feel alone in making those mistakes.  Those who forget that it takes a friend to help out instead of beat us up and leave us.

So here is what I offered to that dear friend yesterday.... EVERYONE makes mistakes!  But that's what makes us the people we become. We learn from them and become stronger.  Those mistakes are our stripes of strength and courage.  The trick is to find people who love us despite our mistakes.  THOSE are the people who know what it's like to be human and know what it is to forgive.  They are your true friends. When you feel like beating yourself up, they will be there to remind you of where you have been, where you are now and where you are going.  

So turn to that friend when you are struggling.   I hope everyone has someone like that in their lives.  I'm sure you do.  It may be someone you least expected. I know such was the case for me!   I have had several friends, but one in particular who has not passed judgement.  Who even though she saw I was making mistakes...would include me instead of exclude me.  She made me feel valuable when I was feeling very worthless.  I have thanked her so many times for being here for me...but words can never express what her continual friendship has meant to me.  THANK YOU, girlie!!!    ;)  

Love and Blessings,

a.k.a.  new home owner, who now must get back to work!  ;)  
Not sure where this is from, but a friend shared this with me while ago.