Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Monday, April 28, 2014
White Bean & Tuna Salad
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White bean salad with garlic Parmesan pretzel thins. |
2 tsp. Dijon mustard
1 minced garlic clove
1/4 cup olive oil
Salt & pepper
1 -15 oz can white beans, drained and rinsed
2 - 5 oz cans water packed tuna, drained and flaked
1 large tomato, cored, seeded and chopped
1/2 small red onion, chopped finely
1/4 cup chopped parsley
In a small bowl, mix juice, mustard and garlic. Add oil whisking constantly. Season with pepper.
Mix beans, tuna, tomato, onion, parsley in a large bowl. Add dressing and toss to coat. Taste and adjust seasoning base upon personal preference.
Serve this over mixed greens if you'd like. Or this can be an appetizer served on toasted crusted bread. Or even eat as is.
I made this Saturday and ate it as a light dinner. Was craving something salty and crunchy so I ate it with some pretzel thins. YUM!
Takes about 10 mins to prep. and serves about 4 peeps! About 350 calories per serving.
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Sunday, April 27, 2014
R.I.P. Mr. Spider
I'm sorry things had to end this way Mr. Spider. It's not you, it's me. You see, I love that you are all about the great outdoors and you take care of those little insects that wreak havoc on our crops and such. I don't even mind that your legs are hairy.
What bothers me is the fact that you have 8 of those hairy legs....and the fact that you have several pairs of eyes. And how you delight in staying hidden then all of a sudden you come running out just to scare me!
I wouldn't mind so much if you just maintained your personal space. But when you invade my personal space...I'm sorry to say....NO WAY! I like my personal space. So since you invaded my personal space and gave me a rude awakening.....I must send you packing!
YOU'VE GOT TO GO! I tried to do it in the most humane way, but sometimes when it comes to self defense....things don't go as planned. I'm sorry, Mr. Spider that it had to end this way...really I am. But please respect my personal space!!!
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Saturday Stroll Through the Park
I had it in my mind that I wanted to go riding again today. However I had forgotten that I already had a lot on my plate. Usually when I go riding, it's an all day event and today's schedule just didn't provide enough time for that!
Today did have enough time for me to take a stroll in one of my favorite parks here in Western PA, Mingo Creek Park. LOVE it! And it's only 5 minutes from my house! They have an amazing trail, not to mention the covered bridges.
I love being outside at every possible moment! I love looking at all the unique tree shapes, stones, rocks, the way the creek winds through the landscape! Love all the valleys, and hills...even the ones I've got to huff and puff walking up! It is just truly amazing!
Today I went with a friend of mine! She is an amazing photographer and young lady. She and I took along our cameras. I am not an amazing photographer, but I like to play around. So that's what we did! It was interesting to see the things she stopped to take pictures of and what I'd stop to take pictures of. She seems to be more of a tree picture taker! I on the other hand seem to be drawn to the water and rocks! We were both drawn to taking pictures looking up the trees and the sky!
There is nothing more amazing and beautiful than God's creation. The beauty that lies all around us. And there is nothing like a stroll in the park to remind me just HOW beautiful nature is! And the 5 miles that we walked is just BONUS!!! =)
Today did have enough time for me to take a stroll in one of my favorite parks here in Western PA, Mingo Creek Park. LOVE it! And it's only 5 minutes from my house! They have an amazing trail, not to mention the covered bridges.
I love being outside at every possible moment! I love looking at all the unique tree shapes, stones, rocks, the way the creek winds through the landscape! Love all the valleys, and hills...even the ones I've got to huff and puff walking up! It is just truly amazing!
Today I went with a friend of mine! She is an amazing photographer and young lady. She and I took along our cameras. I am not an amazing photographer, but I like to play around. So that's what we did! It was interesting to see the things she stopped to take pictures of and what I'd stop to take pictures of. She seems to be more of a tree picture taker! I on the other hand seem to be drawn to the water and rocks! We were both drawn to taking pictures looking up the trees and the sky!
There is nothing more amazing and beautiful than God's creation. The beauty that lies all around us. And there is nothing like a stroll in the park to remind me just HOW beautiful nature is! And the 5 miles that we walked is just BONUS!!! =)
Friday, April 25, 2014
Free Writing ....
A friend of mine gave me a book about writing for your well being. And in this book the author gives writing exercises. One of those exercises is free writing. I use to do free writing pretty regularly and this book has brought up all those memories of writing exercises that I've done in the past.
Years ago I started free writing as a way to decompress when I was struggling with my emotions. By simply sitting down and letting the pen just go....I would write my feelings down on paper. I would sometimes go back and re read it, but not always. I didn't care if what I wrote made sense or was grammatically correct. It didn't matter, I wasn't being graded on it. I just needed to vent! Free writing is therapeutic for me. I had gotten out of the habit of doing it until Dare to Dream Again took root. Free writing is just what it says...simply writing. Writing whatever comes to mind. It is not only therapeutic for me, but also helps "clean out" all the gunk in my brain and help me re focus. So I think it's time to dig out some old writing exercises and start writing for my well being in addition to hopefully becoming a better writer.
So with this in mind, I'm going to try to do Free Writing Fridays. I am already posting pictures on Wordless Wednesdays. So perhaps the Friday Funnies pics are not the way to go. Gonna set my timer for 5-10 minutes. I'm going to pick something that happened through out the week in my life, at home, at work, etc. and free write! Gonna see where my pen....or in this case laptop will take me!
Marcy :)
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Epic FAIL!!!
So yesterday I was saying how I am getting better at squelching my insecurity so that it does not get the best of me for too long....WELL, okay, NOT! I thought I over came that little bump of an insecurity only to be reminded this morning that I had not totally squelched it! WHAT the heck is wrong with me?
I can be so strong and confident sometimes...but then there is the other side to that..where I let my insecurities win and I FAIL.
I over think and am too sensitive sometimes, and that it is the cause of a few arguments that I have had with a particular person. And when I think about why I let certain things that this person does or doesn't do affect me the way I do, I can't understand it. I guess I just expect this person to let me down. That is not fair to them, nor to myself. I am setting myself up for failure. Am I trying to sabotage something good? I really am not!
While processing this today, I guess, I have come a long way since my divorce and the emotional baggage that has been a part of my journey. But I still have a ways to go. I went for counseling when I first entered the separation/divorce process..and that gave me a lot of tools to use to over come a lot. However I still have some obstacles in my way that are keeping me from being totally healed. I need to go back to the basics. So today was an epic fail...tomorrow is a new day. AND I will keep on trying and using the tools I've been given to overcome those insecurities!!
I can be so strong and confident sometimes...but then there is the other side to that..where I let my insecurities win and I FAIL.
I over think and am too sensitive sometimes, and that it is the cause of a few arguments that I have had with a particular person. And when I think about why I let certain things that this person does or doesn't do affect me the way I do, I can't understand it. I guess I just expect this person to let me down. That is not fair to them, nor to myself. I am setting myself up for failure. Am I trying to sabotage something good? I really am not!
While processing this today, I guess, I have come a long way since my divorce and the emotional baggage that has been a part of my journey. But I still have a ways to go. I went for counseling when I first entered the separation/divorce process..and that gave me a lot of tools to use to over come a lot. However I still have some obstacles in my way that are keeping me from being totally healed. I need to go back to the basics. So today was an epic fail...tomorrow is a new day. AND I will keep on trying and using the tools I've been given to overcome those insecurities!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Insecurity Sucks!
I know I am not alone on this. Well, maybe I am. I think we all have some insecurities in our lives. I seriously hate this flaw of mine! I know where it stems from ....and I know that it is "just my insecurities" but seriously every time I think I've made some pretty good progress in this area....WHAM! Insecurity rears it's ugly head! Insecurity got the best of me today...bear with my ranting. It helps me put it all into prospective and regroup.
WHY in the world can I not get over it once and for all??? Put ALL insecurities in the toilet and flush them away! FOREVER! Okay..that was gross! My sons are starting to rub off on me! Moving on.....
This much I know. My insecurities come from the emotional way I feel about myself. To change that emotion I need to change some core beliefs about my self image...the self image of not being good enough. What is good enough? I found and I believe that good enough is when you give your best...and if that isn't "good enough" for someone else, doesn't mean I am not good enough...just means their expectations were higher than what mine were. And good enough is not perfect. I have found that NO ONE is perfect! REALLY? I couldn't believe it...but it is true! So I'm not the only imperfect one on this planet? I take great comfort in that!
When I look back over the last 20 some years of my life and see the timeline of the events that have contributed to the way I feel about myself. I have to stop and take note of where I have come....I HAVE made progress! I am not where I was even as recent as 4 years ago. I have learned to take my insecure thoughts captive and separate fact from fiction....and it usually helps dissolve that insecurity. Sometimes not as quickly as I'd like, but definitely quicker and better than I use to!
I will continue to work on the core beliefs that contribute to my negative self image. I will remind myself that I AM good enough, but will continue to strive to make corrections and improvement where needed for me, not for the approval of others.
WHY in the world can I not get over it once and for all??? Put ALL insecurities in the toilet and flush them away! FOREVER! Okay..that was gross! My sons are starting to rub off on me! Moving on.....
This much I know. My insecurities come from the emotional way I feel about myself. To change that emotion I need to change some core beliefs about my self image...the self image of not being good enough. What is good enough? I found and I believe that good enough is when you give your best...and if that isn't "good enough" for someone else, doesn't mean I am not good enough...just means their expectations were higher than what mine were. And good enough is not perfect. I have found that NO ONE is perfect! REALLY? I couldn't believe it...but it is true! So I'm not the only imperfect one on this planet? I take great comfort in that!
When I look back over the last 20 some years of my life and see the timeline of the events that have contributed to the way I feel about myself. I have to stop and take note of where I have come....I HAVE made progress! I am not where I was even as recent as 4 years ago. I have learned to take my insecure thoughts captive and separate fact from fiction....and it usually helps dissolve that insecurity. Sometimes not as quickly as I'd like, but definitely quicker and better than I use to!
I will continue to work on the core beliefs that contribute to my negative self image. I will remind myself that I AM good enough, but will continue to strive to make corrections and improvement where needed for me, not for the approval of others.
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I love this quote from Steve Furtick...true statement!! |
Friday, April 18, 2014
Friday Funnies!!!!
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Thankless Jobs
Listening to the radio this morning and heard a man be down right nasty to someone that he thought was a telemarketer...he was very rude and told her she should get REAL job. How condescending he sounded...turned out this woman was actually a radio DJ and his tuned changed. But it made me think...this is REALLY how we view people who do those less than what we think are desirable jobs.
Now I am not a fan of telemarketers...they can be annoying for sure, but really it IS what they do. And for whatever reason they choose to do it, that is up to them. Who are we to judge what kind of person they are, doesn't mean they are unintelligent or undeserving of the same respect as some CEO of a corporation. They are a living breathing person providing for themselves and most of the time a family. What are some other thankless jobs that we view as not a "real" job? Society seems to treat those that have less than what we think are desirable jobs as if they don't work a real job. Where would we be without those UN real jobs? We would have garbage laying all over the place and piling up around us if it weren't for waste management positions. Those that work in the service industry also tend to be looked upon as somewhat less than. If we didn't have service workers, there would be no dinner out, no clean hotel rooms, no clean hospital rooms, stores, etc. What if there were no pizza delivery person? They are providing us a great luxury of not having to cook and go pick up our own food. Tell me how would the grocery stores be stocked? Someone has to plant the produce, harvest the produce and prepare it and then ship and deliver it to the grocery stores. THOSE and many more ARE REAL jobs!
How dare anyone be so condescending and judgmental to those who are working and doing what they can to live, clothe, feed, provide a home for themselves and their families!?!? They all could be just living off of the system...but they choose to do what they can and work a REAL job! OR how about maybe, just MAYBE they are doing what they want to do...maybe they enjoy what they are doing.
And that folks is my rant for the day! Say thank you to that hard working person handing you that soft drink and fries out the window today!
Now I am not a fan of telemarketers...they can be annoying for sure, but really it IS what they do. And for whatever reason they choose to do it, that is up to them. Who are we to judge what kind of person they are, doesn't mean they are unintelligent or undeserving of the same respect as some CEO of a corporation. They are a living breathing person providing for themselves and most of the time a family. What are some other thankless jobs that we view as not a "real" job? Society seems to treat those that have less than what we think are desirable jobs as if they don't work a real job. Where would we be without those UN real jobs? We would have garbage laying all over the place and piling up around us if it weren't for waste management positions. Those that work in the service industry also tend to be looked upon as somewhat less than. If we didn't have service workers, there would be no dinner out, no clean hotel rooms, no clean hospital rooms, stores, etc. What if there were no pizza delivery person? They are providing us a great luxury of not having to cook and go pick up our own food. Tell me how would the grocery stores be stocked? Someone has to plant the produce, harvest the produce and prepare it and then ship and deliver it to the grocery stores. THOSE and many more ARE REAL jobs!
How dare anyone be so condescending and judgmental to those who are working and doing what they can to live, clothe, feed, provide a home for themselves and their families!?!? They all could be just living off of the system...but they choose to do what they can and work a REAL job! OR how about maybe, just MAYBE they are doing what they want to do...maybe they enjoy what they are doing.
And that folks is my rant for the day! Say thank you to that hard working person handing you that soft drink and fries out the window today!
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Walk BESIDE Me, Please?
I've been flying solo this weekend. The boys are with their dad and all my friends have been pretty much tied up with their own busy schedules. I did get to go have dinner with a co worker/friend Friday evening. It was very nice to have some me time with a friend!
This weekend I've spent it out and about, shopping, walking, Easter shopping, washing my car...MORE shopping! Trying to use what I'm learning from Chelsea Oliver at Chels & the City, and Monica from Pear Shaped Girl,
to put together some fresh spring looks!! Okay, just had to put a shout out to these girls, they are talented and awesome bloggers that I've connected with since I've started my blog in February!
So in my journeys this weekend, I've notice a lot, and I mean A LOT of couples. What I noticed about these couples was that the men in the couple, was walking like 4 feet in front of their partner! I started counting how many times I saw this happening over the course of the weekend. I stopped counting at 35 couples. How SAD! I did however count 7 couples where the partners were walking side by side.
I do not understand it. I use to be in the group where my ex would always walk so far in front of me, and trust me I'm a fast walker, but I'd complain, and say, would you walk WITH me please? His response would be, walk faster! REALLY? Walk faster?
How about show me some respect? How about ACT like you don't mind being seeing with me. Act like you are proud to have me next to you. Be my PARTNER! Perhaps those couples I saw this weekend, the woman didn't mind trailing behind her partner. I know I do not like it. AND now that I get to "start over, I get to be a little more picky about that! Go me! I want a man who will walk BESIDE me! A PARTNER!
I LOVE this quote by Albert Camus:
This weekend I've spent it out and about, shopping, walking, Easter shopping, washing my car...MORE shopping! Trying to use what I'm learning from Chelsea Oliver at Chels & the City, and Monica from Pear Shaped Girl,
to put together some fresh spring looks!! Okay, just had to put a shout out to these girls, they are talented and awesome bloggers that I've connected with since I've started my blog in February!
So in my journeys this weekend, I've notice a lot, and I mean A LOT of couples. What I noticed about these couples was that the men in the couple, was walking like 4 feet in front of their partner! I started counting how many times I saw this happening over the course of the weekend. I stopped counting at 35 couples. How SAD! I did however count 7 couples where the partners were walking side by side.
I do not understand it. I use to be in the group where my ex would always walk so far in front of me, and trust me I'm a fast walker, but I'd complain, and say, would you walk WITH me please? His response would be, walk faster! REALLY? Walk faster?
How about show me some respect? How about ACT like you don't mind being seeing with me. Act like you are proud to have me next to you. Be my PARTNER! Perhaps those couples I saw this weekend, the woman didn't mind trailing behind her partner. I know I do not like it. AND now that I get to "start over, I get to be a little more picky about that! Go me! I want a man who will walk BESIDE me! A PARTNER!
I LOVE this quote by Albert Camus:
Friday, April 11, 2014
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Who Will Stop the Pain?
My heart is heavy this evening. This morning, my Facebook news feed and the radio was full of reports and accounts of a stabbing that occurred in one of our local schools. 20 stabbed, 19 of those students, one security guard, 2 critically. The suspect is reported as a good quite boy, from a good neighborhood, and family. It is also reported at this early in the investigation stage that he was a victim of bullying.
I have been dealing with bullying with my youngest son for the two years. He has been the victim of bullying. So I have seen first hand the affects of bullying! And I can't say it enough! I HATE IT! I know we all do. But really, something hit me about a month ago. I have seen first hand that the victim gets pick on over and over, and over and usually the victim feels so deeply and internalizes it. And is tormented by it. And the bully capitalizes on this. The bully keeps picking and picking, til one day, for whatever reason the victim "snaps" and lashes out with words or in this situation with violence. They lose control over their emotions. I'm not saying this is the case in every situation....I know every situation needs to be looked at individually. But in one particular case, they lose control, and they KNOW better but they just don't know how to handle the pain anymore! So they snap! And then suddenly they are now the suspect, the criminal, the bad guy. I am in no way condoning violence and them resorting to such acts. I'm just saying, there has got to be something more we can do to help the victims process the feelings they are feeling and the pain they are experiencing. Give them the tools they need to cope and get through it.
We need to take it seriously! WE NEED TO DO MORE!!! And we need to do it before the victim "snaps" and has gone from the victim to the "bad guy" and making the 6 o'clock news.
My heart and prayers go out to all of those touched by stabbing. I pray for physical, and emotional wounds to be healed.
I have been dealing with bullying with my youngest son for the two years. He has been the victim of bullying. So I have seen first hand the affects of bullying! And I can't say it enough! I HATE IT! I know we all do. But really, something hit me about a month ago. I have seen first hand that the victim gets pick on over and over, and over and usually the victim feels so deeply and internalizes it. And is tormented by it. And the bully capitalizes on this. The bully keeps picking and picking, til one day, for whatever reason the victim "snaps" and lashes out with words or in this situation with violence. They lose control over their emotions. I'm not saying this is the case in every situation....I know every situation needs to be looked at individually. But in one particular case, they lose control, and they KNOW better but they just don't know how to handle the pain anymore! So they snap! And then suddenly they are now the suspect, the criminal, the bad guy. I am in no way condoning violence and them resorting to such acts. I'm just saying, there has got to be something more we can do to help the victims process the feelings they are feeling and the pain they are experiencing. Give them the tools they need to cope and get through it.
We need to take it seriously! WE NEED TO DO MORE!!! And we need to do it before the victim "snaps" and has gone from the victim to the "bad guy" and making the 6 o'clock news.
My heart and prayers go out to all of those touched by stabbing. I pray for physical, and emotional wounds to be healed.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Since When Did Running Late Become "OK"?
OKAY! A rant on lateness!
I went to an event recently where the guest of honor was 35 minutes late. And the reason? Well, there really didn't seem to be one. She was "sorry for running late". I was with the hostess who happened to be the mother of the guest of honor. She tried to call to make sure she was okay, no answer... Needless to say the hostess seemed quite upset and mortified. I felt badly for her. She had worked tirelessly to make sure this event went off without a hitch. The place, the food, the atmosphere was perfect.....except I wonder if the guest of honor even noticed? Did she notice what her mother had done for her? ALL that she had done for her?
Maybe I'm old fashioned but I was raised to be on time....ON TIME for something you've been invited to let alone the guest of honor of!
I find it rude, inconsiderate, and just plain selfish. It's not "OK".
And it not only happens in personal relationships but I see it happening in business as well. Someone calls a meeting at 9 and people straggle in anywhere from 9 to 9:20.....all with their coffee in hand and unwrapping their bagel breakfast sandwiches.
Everyone has busy lives, that's a given but to use that as an excuse is just saying that you don't think the other's time is as important as yours. And technology is wonderful, but to text or email that you are going to be late means...YOU ARE STILL LATE!
You are rude, you are inconsiderate! Is your time more important than mine?
And I am not talking about the occasionally lateness that we have all experienced, there are times where it is inevitable. Things come up and stuff happens. I'm talking about the ones who are routinely late. Bottom line: You are saying that your time is more valuable than the rest of ours.
But then again...perhaps its just me! Maybe I am just old fashioned! But whatever you call my book to be ROUTINELY LATE IS NOT "OK"!!
Rant over! Have a good evening! ;)
Sunday, April 6, 2014
One of Many Firsts
So today I went to my first bridal shower since my divorce. I admit, I was not feeling up to it. I was dreading going. One it was out of town, a little over an hour away, and two I really don't know the bride well and three, I just find myself very cynical these days about happy ever after. Not to mention, my first time wearing hose in like forever and I get a run right before I walked out the door. THAT is why I despise pantyhose!
Like many firsts after divorce, I guess it is something you just have to do. Every first is a step. A step in the journey of rebuilding, reinventing myself. And with every first I am becoming stronger. So I take a deep breath and continue onto my next first! Whatever that will be...I do not know.... Perhaps the upcoming wedding that follows this shower. Onward and upward!
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Like many firsts after divorce, I guess it is something you just have to do. Every first is a step. A step in the journey of rebuilding, reinventing myself. And with every first I am becoming stronger. So I take a deep breath and continue onto my next first! Whatever that will be...I do not know.... Perhaps the upcoming wedding that follows this shower. Onward and upward!
Saturday, April 5, 2014
TAKE EARLY ACTION AND LIVE.... TEAL is the color for me!
There are three very important causes that are very near and dear to me, that I support and encourage awareness for. Those are Domestic Violence Awareness, Breast Cancer Awareness, and Cervical Cancer Awareness.
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photo courtesy of Cervical Cancer Awareness Facebook page TEAL LADIES NETWORK |
It is coming up on a year that I received some frightening news that I am on the cervical cancer radar. I have always been faithful with getting my yearly exams. So seriously? And not long after the birth of my second child I had a bad report. Had the cone biopsy done and followed up until the pap came back okay. So went back to my yearlies.
Last year I had another bad pap. Went through the same ol' thing. It was a Thursday morning I went into the Dr. to get my biopsy results and I was sitting in this chair outside the doctors consult office. Felt like I was sitting outside the principles office! I had that pit in my stomach. Sat there like a frightened grade school girl when another woman me came out in tears. My heart sank. The doctor called me in next. I went in and sat down across from the doctor. Looked at him and he went through the whole process, pulled everything up on his computer screen and even drew me a picture of my cervix! REALLY??? JUST tell me already!! He even had an app for cervical cancer and HPV! THEY EVEN have an app for that!! LOL Good news is the cells are not cancerous right now. But considering my history, I am on the radar screen for cervical cancer. Okay...whatever that means! I am fine for now!! But you better bet I'm gonna take this opportunity to shout it from the mountains tops for all of my loved ones to keep getting their yearly smears!
I have been reading a lot about cervical cancer over the last year. I have read a lot of confusing medical jargon. And there is a lot of controversy about HPV and the vaccine. So I'm not here to argue about this study and that study...the one thing that is VITAL is keeping up with your exams. EARLY DETECTION! That is what I want to advocate for!
There is the Teal Ladies Network that I follow on Facebook. I'd like to share them with you. I am in no way getting compensated for endorsing their page. It is a public page that has encouraged me and given me some important facts and places to find more information. And every once in a while I will share their public photos and posts. I support Cervical Cancer Awareness. I want to help raise awareness of the importance of regular cervical screenings! TAKE EARLY ACTION AND LIVE!!!!
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photo courtesy of Cervical Cancer Awareness Facebook page. |
Friday, April 4, 2014
Friday Funnies!!!
I am a tall girl! With being a tall girl comes those pesky tall girl problems! LOL!
For today's Friday Funnies...I'm sharing a tall girl problem from this site:
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photo from LOL! TRUE STATEMENT!! |
Thought this was very appropriate in light of the fact I am on a journey to find a dress long enough for a wedding I have coming up at the end of May. I tried on a gazillion dresses last Saturday...and there was one in particular that was barely even a shirt on me! LOL!
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Exhale and Forgive!

Sometimes, I think one of the most difficult things in life to do is forgive. But one of the most difficult things was and is forgiving myself for "failing" my marriage, my children, my church. Although I realize that I am not the one who really failed. That is still a hard concept for me to wrap my brain around sometimes.
The other day I had a discussion with some of my family members and it hit me that I was still holding onto some of that unforgiving towards myself. I had a long cry. It was a healing cry. I exhaled and breathed and felt like..phew, I can do this..keep moving forward!
I once did an exercise with a group of people regarding stress and what if feels like letting go. You clench your fists up as tight as you can. Notice that every muscle in your body tenses to some degree...even the muscles in your face. I had them do that and hold it for 10 seconds. Then I had them release their fists.
While they were releasing the clenched fists they were also exhaling. I thought...THIS is also the same of forgiveness.....
Forgiveness is like that exhale. When we are holding on to the anger, bitterness and pain that comes from an offense done to us is makes our whole body tense up. We are that ball of stress. But when we can forgive...we can exhale!
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
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