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I love this quote from Author Dean Jackson..... a lot of what I've felt since I've gotten my wings. |
We all have differences, different political views, religious and other social differences. We all have quirks. We're all a little unique in our own ways....embracing differences doesn't mean you necessarily agree with some one's view point. If you love and embrace someone, it doesn't mean you are going to end up with their quirks or differences... just means you embrace the human that God created. GOD created us differently....and guess what, since He created us that means HE knows we have those difference. And guess what HE accepts us and our differences. HE loves us. He tells us to LOVE others...tells us the greatest of these is LOVE....that's funny! REALLY? Do you still love me since I no longer fit the mold you say I should? BUT I know God does...and the work He has started in me is not finished or perfected until the day He calls me home.
My ex stopped by last evening to drop something off for our son, he says, I hear you are learning to play the Ukulele....then he proceeds to ask about the white water rafting and the other things I've done since he and I have been a part....then says to me..I didn't realize you were into all of that stuff......hmmmmmmm.....maybe that's' because you didn't give me a chance to show you that side of me because you were so busy telling me what I did and didn't like.
MADE me think about the people who have left my side, the people who removed me from their circle of friendship since the divorce and I've started learning who I really am.
Do we REALLY want people to be themselves? Do we really want to know their differences? I don't think so.
And how do you be yourself without being completely self serving...there is a fine line between being yourself and putting yourself before others. We need to have a healthy balance of knowing who we are and being true to our likes, dislikes, and our personalities.
Today, I'm seeing a lot on social media posts about being yourself..that we are all different and how we should embrace that....REALLY? Funny how now that I've started to find out who I really am and have stopped letting people dictate what I like and don't like...over these last few years the people who have disappeared from my life... what is that again about how we are ALL different and we should just be ourselves??? Come again?!?
People are funny! Be yourself.....but I'll only like you if your version of yourself is someone I can accept and tolerate.
It's really true...you really do find out who are your true friends by who is still by your side after the skeletons have come out of the closet.
I let go and I've decided to be just who I AM! Weird, unique and different!
Love the weird and unique