Friday, May 23, 2014

FWF ~ First Time Home Buyer ~

Little late, but better late than never!  Today's free writing Friday is coming a little later this week.  But I've been a little crazy this past week.
Since the separation and divorce the boys and I have called someone else's home our home.  This place we've been living in belongs to a family member.  It served a dual purpose us living here for the last several years. It gave us a roof over our head at an affordable rate while allowing this family member to hold on to something they weren't ready to part with just yet.  It is a cute and tiny house! And when I say tiny...I mean, only one bedroom.  The boys and I have been sharing our about no privacy!  BUT I am not knocking it, it has served a very useful purpose.  It has allowed us to get back on our feet.  It has allowed me to regain my independence and given me the courage to move forward.  It has been our safe place.   MY safe place.

NOW is the time to set out on another first.....I have been in the process of buying my first house.  I have never bought my OWN house.  All the places we lived in while I was married, were already in the possession of my ex.  We called home the family farm.... and I loved it there.  But never got to "pick" my own place.  So the fact I am doing this totally on my own is exciting and at the same time stressful!

This process of buying my first house has been exhausting!  WHAT a process it is!?!?  My closing is slated to be May 30th....and I still haven't gotten a confirmation, a definite that it is indeed happening!  And that has this worry wort, well a little worried.  I keep being told that everything is going well, and as it should.  But everyday, it seems to be something else...that the underwriter wants!  The only thing I haven't provided at this point is my DNA!

I am so not a patient person!  I just want to know that I indeed will be a first time home owner this time next week!  I just want my OWN bedroom!
Is that really too much to ask?!?!  

Now that it is Memorial Day weekend, I must wait another four days to get an answer!!!!  MORE waiting.....So I will take and try to relax this weekend...and practice my patience!  

I wish you all a happy and safe Memorial Day!



  1. So wonderful! Don't worry .. everything will work out. Just believe that it will.


    1. Thank you Monica, for your good vibes and encouragement!
