Sunday, December 7, 2014

RANT! Here's what I think!!

Here goes nothing!

RANT:   Everyone tells me to be in this post I'm being my hurt self...and I'm sorry if I step on toes, but seriously maybe some toes need stepped on.
I have said it so many times before. I'm saying it again!  Going through divorce is the most unsupported thing to go through in the church. You get excluded, talked about, unfriended, ignored and then the ones who do the excluding tell you "you, need to give people a chance." Really?!?! How the heck can one give you all a chance when you don't give US a fighting chance. Yes, We've dropped off the map, yes, we crawl away and sometimes make some poor choices. Then when we do feel the courage to come back, we are reminded that we are still unlovable, and that we are still different, we are reminded that we really still don't belong. 
Seriously, we've been told by the one who was suppose to love us til death do part that we are no longer lovable. How, the heck do you expect us to bounce back when we are treated by the very people who we're told will love us unconditionally, like we have a plague. 
What makes YOUR life more lovable and acceptable? Jesus sought...SOUGHT out the unlovable...He sought out the woman that NO ONE wanted to be around. So tell me again WHAT would Jesus do? 
MY Jesus did not exclude ME or the rest of us unlovable. For ALL of you who have excluded, unfriended, and ignored us....Jesus still loves us!! And I thank God that my Jesus doesn't use an unfriend button, excludes, ignores... HE accepts me the unlovable way that I am! Jesus loves even ME!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Why I Blog?

I started blogging back in February.  I toyed with the idea for over a year and couldn't decide whether or not to take the plunge and try it out. A blogger friend of mine convinced me to go for and she got me started.  I am forever grateful to her for giving me the push.   While I have not been as steady as I probably should be to make my blog as successful as some, I have used my blog as a journal of sorts.  
I am pretty much an open book...if you are my friend on Facebook, you'll see that I am up and down and all over the place at times.  Happy one minute, discouraged the next.  I put it all out there for everyone to see....for everyone to judge my state of mind.   AM I crazy?   I suppose I am to some extent.  I KNOW I'm unbalanced from time to time...aren't we all?  We all just don't put it out there for the world to see.  Some of us like to look all put together from the outside, while those like me...but I am definitely speaking for myself, don't really care how crazy you think I am.  

The reality is, we all have our crazy corner, we all have our vices, we all have our defects.  And we all deal with it differently.  Just because one may not openly display it for all to see, doesn't mean they are any less unbalanced from time to time as the one who lets it all hang out.  

My blog, my Facebook page is a journal for me.  It has been my go to when I am feeling at the end of my rope and I feel like I just can't hold it any longer.   My blog is a reflection of my defects, my Facebook page is also a reflection of those defects. By admitting that I have those defects and displaying them, I find that it's my reality check.  I blurt things out.  Sometimes I post things in the heat of the moment.  It gives me the ability to step back and think about the defects I have to let go. It gives me the ability to further my healing and cultivate my abilities.  It helps me grow with the encouragement, support, and even the criticism I receive from letting it all out there.  I can be thankful, for my life as it is. The more I can be thankful for my life as it is, the more I can accept healing that allows me to change and grow. By recognizing my abilities, I am increasingly willing to let go of my defects.

While I don't think my blog is as interesting as some...I LOVE following the fashion tip type blogs and cooking blogs and other DIY blogs...they are awesome!!!   Far more entertaining and informational than mine, but my blog is MY blog.   It is my place to grow in every area of my life.

Blessings to you my friends.  Have a happy Saturday.  


Monday, November 3, 2014

Aha Moment!

It's 5:30 Monday morning and instead of getting ready for work as I do every Monday morning, I am preparing my mind for what lies ahead.

Friday was the last day at work, since I have decided to take a position with another agency.  I start my new position with my new agency tomorrow. I'm so excited and nervous all rolled into one! Anyways, this gives me today to prepare and think.

 My last post was about starting new chapters and that my story was so far from over.  It seems as though since my last post and the women's conference that I attended.  The conference that was one of my"aha" moments,  when I finally surrendered and stopped shaking my fist at God.  It seems as though since then, things have been coming against me right and left.  Just when I finally "let go, and let God"....things seem to start to unravel again! LOL...funny how that works.  Well, you have to laugh, right, cause if you don't laugh then you cry.

Anyways, as stated,  there have been some more changes in my life over the last few weeks.  And while I am somewhat fearful of what lies ahead, I have this strange peace that seems to be helping me to take my next breath and continue putting one foot in front of the other.

That strange peace is God and my knowing that He's got this.  As with all of my aha moments in the last many years, I know it's an aha moment from God, when I get this unwavering peace.

Let me just also say this...that even though there are some pretty uncertain crazy things right now, there are also plenty of great things happening in my life at the same time. Another reason I know it's all from God.

I met a great new friend through this women's conference...her name is Mandy, she is an awesome woman, mother, wife and friend!  She is an accomplished blogger and writer!!!  BTW, Here is Mandy's blog, .  She put on her Overcomer Outreach Facebook page a great verse reminded me to put my trust in God even though things seem crazy. Not to mention,  I AM sort of afraid of some of the uncertainties in my life right now.....   Psalm 56:3 "When I am afraid I will put my trust in You"......       AHA!!!!  

Happy Monday!!!



Sunday, October 19, 2014

My Story is So Far From Over......

I have been so stubborn!  I've been so busy shaking my fist at God these last few years and well, I just didn't want to admit it.  Even though I told myself "I am letting God lead me", and my trust in His promises was still there....I guess I just wasn't convinced. I didn't trust He would give me the desires of my heart...I mean, I was, I am damaged goods.  

When I started to the process to buy my home,  I began praying earnestly for the changes coming in my life.  And for several in particular.   I began praying boldly.   While I am stubborn and take my time getting around to my "ah huh" moments, before I get it, God was busy working on my behalf. He was behind the scenes all the while paving the way and preparing for when I finally did get it! Gosh, I bet there are sometimes He'd just like to smack me upside the head!!!  Sometimes, I wish He would. Sometimes I wish He would put up a sign...a flashing neon sign!   WELL......He sorta has been ever since I threw up my hands and said "God, please take this and you know my heart what my heart's desire is and has been for so long....please stop allowing me to control things and work all things for the good in YOUR time. Help me to see that You are here and working."

HUGE Sign number one: the "What's Your Story Conference"  at my church.   I've known for so long that what I've come through that I one day would have my story to tell and that someday perhaps God could use my story to bless someone else.  When I began seeing the advertisements for the conference, and thought to myself, well I am so not there yet.  I am not ready for a conference like this, I was definitely not ready to share my story, because honestly I hadn't given it  ALL to my Father God.  But God whispered in my ear and said,  "you're not ready to share your story, but ARE you ready to give up and let Me take over now? I want you to share your story next, Marcy"    So why not?!?!   I am SOOOO ready!  Obviously the premise of that conference weekend was women sharing their stories of their faith and how God has used circumstances in their lives to reveal Himself and strengthen and transform their lives into something glorious!  
This was the sign sitting across the way from us yesterday
while I was getting to know someone pretty amazing that I truly
believe that God has brought into my life to
 help me complete
my story.........

The past year has been full of "signs" that have come across my path, sayings, quotes, scriptures, friends, strangers, tell me you have a story, you will someday share that story, and your story is about to change but to change for the better. Just give up and let God do what He's been wanting to do for so long.

I was so blessed by that weekend and filled with hope and encouragement and proof that God is so working on my behalf and all I need to keep doing is allowing Him to continue to hold the reigns.

HUGE Sign number two:    I met someone yesterday that I had met online...LOL (okay, another one of those little signs, cause just about every speaker last weekend met their best friend, and mate online) ....and we went to the local mall to relax and talk.  As we were sitting there chatting and sharing our lives with each other, I glanced across the way and notice a sign for Books-a-Million,  and it said "Your Next Chapter Starts Here"!!!  WOW!!!!  Another God moment!!!!  WOW!

I don't know what God has in store for this new relationship that I have started or the new job I will be starting, or for when or IF  I will share my story at the next What's Your Story Conference, but I do know He is in control.  And I do know He has given my such a peace.  AND I FINALLY stopped shaking my fist at Him for the heart ache I've endured the last so many years....I am not a victim!  I am a survivor and I have a story!!!

Love the Steven Curtis Chapman song,  Glorious Unfolding.....the theme song for the conference AND my life!!

My story is so far from over!   I just have to keep believing and hold onto every promise that God has made to me.....  I can't wait to be amazed!!!  

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October ~ Breast Cancer Awareness~

We all know every October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I try to wear pink every day in order to show my subtle support for a dear friend of mine, Kate, who is currently battling breast cancer and my cousin who lost her battle with it several years back.  My grandmother had it, and I have had my own scare with it. And while I was in the waiting area a few years ago awaiting to undergo my own biopsy, I sat in the hall way with a young lady in her 20's who had just been told she had it.  In her 20's!!!  What the heck?!?!    So many lives are touched by this as well as other cancers!  I hate cancer!  So because breast cancer has touched so closely to home for me, I want to advocate for it as much as possible!

Fact:  Did you know that 50-75% of breast cancers begin in the milk ducts.  10-15% begin in the lobules.  A few begin in other breast tissues.  This and other breast cancer facts and statistics can be found at: 

I want to share with you my friend Kate's Story....Kate is my hero!  

There was a girl named Kate. And a boy named Steve. They were both firefighters and EMTs that worked together and they fell in love. Kate found out she was pregnant, and life was good. Kate and Steve went for their first ultrasound and found our that their baby, a daughter, was very sick. Kate and Steve named their baby girl Shannon. Shannon was born and went straight to the neonatal intensive care unit where she lived for 3 beautiful days. Kate and Steve's hearts broke and they started to try again but were met with more heartache when their pregnancy ended in miscarriage. Then Steve decided to follow his dream of becoming a police officer. As Steve started the police academy, Kate found out she was pregnant again. They welcomed a set of twin girls, Grace and Lily, 6 weeks early. Grace and Lily spent 2 weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit before they came home. Life was good again. When Grace and Lily were almost a year old, Kate and Steve found out they were expecting again, and to their dismay, doctors said they would lose the baby because of two pregnancy complications. The baby held on, and they named him Stephen Jay (SJ). Stephen was born nearly 8 weeks premature after Kate nearly hemorrhaged to death. Stephen had a rough first year, and had many health problems but Steve found a full time job at a great station, the family moved to a wonderful neighborhood and life was good yet again. When SJ was almost 3, he was diagnosed with a plethora of conditions that required intensive speech and physical therapy 6 times a week. Kate noticed a mass in her breast but was focused on SJ and getting him on track. Just when the family started to adjust and life was good again, Kate started to notice a lot of changes in her breast and decided to make an appointment to get it checked out. At only 28 her biopsy revealed breast cancer and Kate was sent to have scans of the rest of her body. Only a week after her 29th birthday Kate was admitted to the hospital. Then Steve and Kate received the worst news of their lives: Cancer was found in both of Kate's breasts, her liver, right shoulder joint, right ribs, and three places in her Thoracic spine down through her Lumbar spine in to her pelvis. Kate was officially fighting Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer and had a less than 5% chance of her ever being "cured". A couple months in to he treatment, Kate was diagnosed with Li-Fraumeni syndrome, a rare disorder that greatly increases the risk of developing several types of cancer, particularly in children and young adults.

Please follow Kate and her journey at:

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Recipe ~ Nothing Says Autumn Like Football and Some Sauerkraut Chowder!!!

I LOVE fall!  I love football and soup!  Today on this brisk Sunday what says home comfort more than a good bowl of soup, snuggled up on the couch watching your favorite my case, the Pittsburgh Steelers!!!

Sauerkraut Chowder!!  A co worker of mine had some at work that  she had purchased from a fall festival about a week ago.  So I decided to Google that...and find a recipe and try it out for myself!!  YUMMMO!!!

Recipe as follows:

4-5 russet potatoes, peeled and chopped
1 large can of sauerkraut
kielbasa (optional) or I saw recipes that used ham...
1 block of cream cheese, I used reduced fat cream cheese
1 can of evaporated milk
Season of your choice, I used onion, salt and pepper.

Boil potatoes until soft, add other ingredients cook for about half an hour!


I thought of adding corn, maybe next time I try this I will do so.  But seriously there are tons of recipe ideas out there online or just use what you've got!  I'm all about using what ingredients I can find in my cabinet and making it work!!

What a great recipe for a cool autumn day!  OH!!!  And my Steelers won!!   GO STEELERS!!!!  

Happy Sunday!  

Sunday, August 31, 2014

~ Rainy Sunday ~

I sit here this rainy Sunday morning, sipping my coffee, thinking about things...LOTS of things!  Where I am going to be this time next year.  And the thought is overwhelming me.  I have been contemplating my future a lot lately. Even after I have managed to pull myself up by the boot straps and get back on my feet to where I was able to purchase my first house a few months ago...I am still thinking....  Where will I be in my job, where will I be in my relationships, where my children will be.  If I will ever be able to live for more than from paycheck to paycheck.   It's too much to think about!  STOP the madness, I say!!  STOP!

It took me a long time to even think I could dare to dream, let alone help make my dreams a reality.  And it seems as of late, I have been struggling with the ability to even to dream again.  I've mentioned it in my posts, here and there that I have been struggling.  The idea of my blog was to help others dare to dream again when they've been through some of the darkest moments of their lives.   And yet I find myself here, again, wondering if I can make MY dreams a reality.  I feel sorta hypocritical right now. How can I inspire others when I can't even inspire myself,  to "get it together"  and KEEP it together?!?!

A friend of mine and I took our families to a wonderfully beautiful state park yesterday!  It's a favorite of ours and my children have never gotten to experience it.  And my oldest son seems to have developed this liking for "parkour" lately....I am still learning about what the heck that even means...but it's cool to see him developing his body strength and do things I think are impossible and crazy!  But it gives him a sense of purpose, a sense of confidence, a sense of well being.  It gives me heart palpitations cause I'm afraid of his safety!!! None the less, he is determined to get his body and mind focused and strengthened to be able to do so some of the craziest things!  I envy that about him.  REWIND.....that was you, Marcy, several years ago....OMG!

I think back....Back to when I began to get the courage to leave my situation and "dare to dream again".   I too was into physically training my body to do things I had never seen myself doing.  I was working out 6 days a week, and had gotten into running.  I was asked to be a cabin leader at an youth adventure retreat, which meant...outdoor adventure, rock climbing, repelling, high ropes, etc.  I did things that I never had the courage to do or the physical stamina to do.   I remember racing my son's scout den up the climbing wall at the boy scout summer day camp.  I felt accomplished!  LOL!  I felt in shape and determined to make it! And being in good physical form helped me emotionally to get and keep the courage to keep moving forward.  It gave me the strength to overcome, not only physical obstacles but also mental and emotional obstacles to where I was able to dare to dream.  

So I am a few years older.  I find myself in a job I love, however a very emotionally, mentally demanding job that leaves me feeling very depleted at the end of the day.   However, when I was in the place where I didn't think I'd ever be physically fit again, I remember starting with baby steps.  I was not interested in a gym membership, so I started in the privacy of my own home.   Started with a 15 minute workout video.  I figured I had at least 15 minutes every day, so why not pop it in and start.  Then there was the on demand workouts...again, easy!   Picked a 20 minute one occasionally to "mix it up".  Those baby steps of 15 minutes a day for 3 weeks, led way to me joining a small local gym and eventually running 4 days a week.   An impossible feat for least I had thought!  I DID it!  The Nike logo....and slogan "JUST DO IT" became mine!

Okay, so now I find myself back where I was several years ago.  So perhaps it's time to "JUST DO IT" (AGAIN).  I've done it before so I CAN do it again, right???   I'm struggling with believing that I CAN do it again...but darn it...I'm gonna beat this!    I've done it before and I can do it again.  It's time for me to start to dream again.  It's time for me to prove to myself that I can dare to dream again.  

Time to  "JUST DO IT", MARCY!  

~Love always~

My friend Christina text me this yesterday while I was at the park climbing rocks! Amazing my God's timing on reminders that I can do ALL things!   Thank you Chris, for blessing me!  In a bigger way than you realize!   

Friday, August 29, 2014

Flashback ~~ Friday Funnies~~

I've been in a funk lately.  I don't know about anyone else, but I need a good laugh.

Someone shared this photo with me a while ago and I found it hilarious and when I was looking through my pics today I saw it...still made me laugh!  Not to mention the kitty in the pic reminds me of our new found fury family member!

Hope it makes you laugh!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

High Maintenance Woman ~ Follow up post to my wordless Wednesday pic~

I mentioned to a friend of mine that I am a high maintenance woman, she said "aren't we all?"   In her mind, high maintenance is someone who takes hours to get ready.... well I CAN be that girl...but usually I can get up and out the door fairly quickly if need be.  BUT I am concerned about my appearance. I want to look put together, even if I'm mucking stalls I wanna look good!  Gotta coordinate the perfect outfit for mucking stalls, right???

So yes I would agree high maintenance could mean appearance.  What I was getting at and what I learned about myself was I require a lot of work.  I have higher than normal expectations. I don't mean the high maintenance that means monetarily or necessarily material possessions.  I can do with out a lot of things.  I have already done so. And I don't mind playing in the mud and dirt just as long as I can get cleaned up and put back together.  

No, the high maintenance I'm referring to is, I like to have things my way, I require a lot of emotional attention at times. I require a lot of affection and attention. I need a lot of reassurance, which I have found in the dating after divorce not such a good thing.

I am needy, I will admit that.  I don't want my high maintenance to scare away my future prince charming. By the same token, I want to be loved like I've never been loved before.  I want to be cherished.  Not necessarily lavished upon with great expensive gifts.  Although, diamonds ARE a girls best friend...right? Yeah...well, I don't know about that.   I want to know that I am worth the effort it takes to woo and continue wooing. Seems most men stop wooing once they've caught the woman.

I know that when I "feel" cherished and loved, I tend to go the extra mile to please.  I am a people pleaser to begin with, but make me feel like a queen, and you can bet you'll feel like a king.   I have found through the years that I am not necessarily alone in this thinking.  Most women who merely feel barely adequate to their partner coast by while those who "feel" cherished flourish and strive to please.

I got to thinking about being high maintenance.  I didn't have the opportunity to learn that about myself in my marriage.  It was always "his way, or the high way" with EVERYTHING.   So now that I have found this new side to myself, I wonder if it is because I didn't know what it was like to be pampered, or cherished by the ONE person who vowed to do so.  Am I high maintenance because I was ignored? While I may be high maintenance with good reason, I need to balance that with a touch of class.  I have been told I am a classy lady.  Never really knew if I believed it or not.  Perhaps I'm not doing as bad of a job at balancing it has I had thought.  

A high maintenance woman may be hard work, but I can guarantee that like most things in life...hard work usually pays off.   A male friend told me a while ago..."Marce, you are worth it, expect nothing less than the best".  


I wonder how that would go over on a dating website....HIGH MAINTENANCE WOMAN....I am worth it!!  LOL
Just a thought!

Love always!!!


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Making Time to Take Care of Myself So I Can Continue to Dare to Dream.

I was looking through some boxes from the move and came across my books from Al-Anon.  In light of my internal struggles I've been having lately, I figured I'd pick it up and read the excerpt from today.  The passage from today was talking about meddling and taking care of oneself.   Like many peeps that have had an alcoholic in their life...I  became a "fixer"  Although, I think that has been my personality/temperament since birth!  I feel the need to fix everything. Everything else but myself.... With being a fixer, I tend to over think.
I read another quote today, not sure who it is from...but something about a "smart woman is an over thinker, the insecure ones, the different ones....the ones who over analyze everything..." Again I do not know who said this...but it has got me thinking....perhaps over thinking.  Not sure if I would agree with that quote...I don't think if I were smart, I'd be

ANYWAYS,  I've been so wrapped up in an insecurity of mine as of late.....well actually for the last year.   I took a step back and thought where did it originate from.  Perhaps it has come from my over thinking.   So I ask do I let this go and stop over thinking about this.   Ideally I know what I want to happen, but it is not a reasonable thought.  At least from what I'm being told.   And I sort of agree...but then I am a firm believer that true love makes sacrifices. I mean doesn't it?  lol... But is that really fair to ask someone to sacrifice something simply because I am insecure?  hmmmmm....I don't think so.  

I do not have the answer as of yet how to deal with this particular least not in my heart of hearts.  I am not okay with this.  That being said, as I have found through the other problems or issues that I've worked through....I can do this...and why and how do I do this?  

I am going to rest on the promises of my Father God who has "promised to prosper me and not harm me...plans to give me hope and a future."  I'm not here to preach.  I'm here to share what has and what does get me through the tough times I've been through...what has helped me Dare to Dream Again... What has gotten me through the darkest nights and through the pain and personal that particular verse from Jeremiah 29:11.   I cling to that promise when all else seems to be failing...and right now that is what I'm clinging to.  

Back to the passage from my Al Anon book....instead of worrying about that "problem" that I really can't control or fix. What I can control is what I DO......and you know what I'm gonna do?  Make ME a priority... worry about me and what I need to fix in me.  Time to take care of myself.

I will continue to Dare to Dream......

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

~ not so Wordless Wednesday ~ Perhaps words are necessary.....RIP Robin Williams..

The world is a sadder place today...a great man, one who appeared to have it all and more.  To the human eye he did.  But this is a great reminder that no matter how together someone seems to be or how great they have it, even the "life of the party"  can be battling depression.  Some scoff at's all in your head.  But I can tell you that there is nothing more suffocating than depression.  It doesn't matter how many times you are told you are loved, appreciated, adored, unless you believe doesn't help fight the demons that depression brings.  They say laughter is the best medicine.....but I suppose that is not always the case..what happens after the laughter has stopped. Laughter is not the best medicine if it is used as a a mask to hide the pain.

Mr. Williams, I am sorry that you felt so alone.  You gave us so much joy and delight...I'm sorry that we were not able to convince you of your greatness.   Let us use this experience to help each other find and realize our worth.  Let us be more alert to those in our lives that are hiding behind that smile.  

"You'd be surprised what a smile can hide....RIP Mr. Williams"

Sunday, August 3, 2014

It's True People DO Remember the Negative More Than the Positive ~ It's Human Nature~

So I've been having this debate with a very dear friend of mine.  He is always sooo positive.  Has the motto, it doesn't matter what other people think. Who cares, he says?   People don't pay attention to negative comments, negative behaviors, it doesn't effect those around them, it only reflects on the person making those negative comments, or choosing to do those negative behaviors.

I on the other hand...feel the sting when someone close to me makes a negative comment and or does something negative.  I am always concerned about what others will think of me...if they know I associate with someone that has such bad behavior will it reflect poorly on me?

In the past few weeks I have seen several stories unfold in my life where I and others around me have been affected by a persons bad...very bad decision to do something wrong.  I have listened to the comments, I have heard the negativity surrounding this.  And while this ONE person did the action it has marred their associates and those who once called them friend.   It has painted a poor picture of the organization that they were once a part of.  "how could they not KNOW they were this kind of person"  "did they not check them out?"  blah, blah, blah, blah....while they talk negatively of the person who committed the actions, they  are also blaming everyone associated with this person to some degree.

So this makes me it normal?  Why do we when there is soooo much good do we hold on to the bad?  Why does the bad out weigh the good?    I started doing my own research.   And it turns out it is typical.  I am not is human nature!  

It is a general tendency for everyone.  A communications professor at Stanford University and the pioneer for research into how humans interact with technology, Dr. Clifford Nass states:  "Some people do have a more positive out look, but almost everyone remembers negative things more strongly and in more detail"

AND guess what??? There is a physiological as well as psychological reasons for this!!!  THANK you Dr. Nass!!

You see the "brain handles positive and negative information in different hemispheres".  Negative emotions generally involve more thinking and the information is processed more thoroughly then positive ones. Unpleasant events use stronger words to describe them than happy events.

Another brilliant man Roy F. Baumeister, a professor of social psychology at Florida State captured the idea in an article he co authored titled "Bad is Stronger Than Good"  .   Research really does show that it is a basic, wide ranging principle in psychology.   It is human nature, even animals do it!  LOL....As shown in experiments with animals.

As the article puts it, "Bad emotions, bad parents, and bad feedback have more impact than good one.  Bad impressions, bad stereotypes are quicker to form and more resistant to disconfirmation than good ones."

So then, it reasonable to summarize that bad events wear off more slowly than good ones.

Not only is it a quirk in the human psyche, it also may be evolutionary as well.  According to the research, "those that are more attuned to bad things would have been more likely to survive threat and consequently would have increased the possibility to be able to pass along their genes.  Survival requires urgent attention to possible bad outcomes but less urgent when it comes to good ones"

This all sounds so depressing...but really if you read the articles and think about it.  It offers us some reassurance in that we are not alone. And there is a way to learn and grow from how we process negative information.  Life after all is a learning experience right???

Baumeister says that it takes 5 goods to right one bad one.  I remember that when I was on youth staff years ago, that a practice we used was when and if we heard a student say a negative comment to another.  We would call them on it and suggest that they follow up that negative with 3 positive comments.

I have used my own research of this topic to reassure myself that I am NOT alone in this thinking....but also to remember that there is a way to turn the negative into positive.

We need to remember that we need to practice more acts of kindness toward others and ourselves to help balance the world!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY ~~ Reminder to FLY, Your Wings are Ready!!

Took this picture at a local park, was there for a bridal shower, this butterfly landed on the silk flower that was attached to one of the gifts!!  LOVE it!!  

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

What's NOT Cool to Me!!

Okay, here's my beef for the day!  This is my blog and I'll rant if I want to!
this image is from the division of labor site

I do not think it's cool that a guy makes dick/penis jokes in a predominately all female workplace with the female staff.  NOT COOL to me...but then again, maybe that is the uptight side of me.  

I was raised and taught upon entering the adult work place, that such talk is frowned upon.  That one may joke around from time to time with their co worker..but for a male staff to go up to a female staff and ask...."what does that look like" reference to a craft that apparently resembled a male appendage.....just not cool. NOT COOL!  

What happened to work place etiquette?  Do I live in the stone ages?  Do I live under a rock?   I mean I too can joke around...or make innuendos just like anyone. I too can be somewhat inappropriate  BUT I thought there was a time and a place for such talk.  Apparently I am wrong and do live under a rock.

I have learned in the last week that it is normal talk in the work place or ANYWHERE.  That it's okay for a guy to joke like that with a female or male co worker or vice versa.  I voiced my concern out of concern for the person making the joke...that it may be mis interpreted and I didn't want them to get in trouble.  It turned into this huge deal of me not being a funny person, being uptight and just not knowing what is normal.  

It has been a week since this dis agreement...and while that person may be okay.  I AM NOT.  I am not cool with it.  And I don't know how to handle rant and vent I will!  I AM NOT okay with it!

Is it okay to make dick/penis jokes at the workplace?  

Seriously Confused...........

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wordless Wednesdays ~

I need to take this title and USE it!!!!!!  Gonna keep my opinions to myself today!  
So there.......  

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Been MIA ~ But I'm BAAAACK!!! ;)

Okay, so I have dropped off the radar since the last week of May.   As you all know I've been working over the last several years to put my life back on track since my divorce.  The divorce was final last June 28th. So many pieces being  put back together...but the one piece I struggled with was finding a home to call my own for me and my boys.   It seemed like such a long ways off and actually impossibility.  True to God's promise...He opened another door.  HE provided me my needs.

On Friday, May 30th, 2014, I signed the documents to my first house!   Right after signing those papers, I drove to WV to attend the wedding of the year!   Since signing those papers, I've been busy with work,  packing AND moving.  So that has not allowed for much time to blog.   I've got to get back!!!

In the upcoming weeks, I'm sure to share some of my moving adventures along with some pics of some of my DIY projects!!!   WHICH, I am totally loving, btw!   It is so awesome to have a place to call my own and to decorate and arrange things the way I WANT!!!   LOVE it!!!

The purpose of my blog today is to share some insight that I shared with a dear friend yesterday.   I have encountered along my journey several of my dear ol' friends and new friends who are also going through a separation and or divorce or other similar heart wrenching events in their lives.  My heart aches for these friends.   And while all of our stories are different...they are similar in some ways.   It's obvious that our hearts are shattered and our judgement is impaired slightly from that heart break.  We doubt our selves, our abilities, our talents and who we are as women.   We make mistakes....some of them that add to our already existing heart break.  But it's not because we are stupid, in capable, or we no longer care.   We are confused and feeling very much alone. Things are in utter chaos emotionally, mentally and physically.  We get caught up and we end up making some pretty big mistakes.  But you know it helps so much to have that one or more friends who really get it.  Who get that we are human...and who come a long side of us and point out our successes, and helps us remember the good we have in ourselves.  It takes that person or persons to help us remember and help us move forward.   It is difficult to have people in our lives that pretend that they are not human.   Those who forget that they too have made mistakes. Those who forget what it's like to feel alone in making those mistakes.  Those who forget that it takes a friend to help out instead of beat us up and leave us.

So here is what I offered to that dear friend yesterday.... EVERYONE makes mistakes!  But that's what makes us the people we become. We learn from them and become stronger.  Those mistakes are our stripes of strength and courage.  The trick is to find people who love us despite our mistakes.  THOSE are the people who know what it's like to be human and know what it is to forgive.  They are your true friends. When you feel like beating yourself up, they will be there to remind you of where you have been, where you are now and where you are going.  

So turn to that friend when you are struggling.   I hope everyone has someone like that in their lives.  I'm sure you do.  It may be someone you least expected. I know such was the case for me!   I have had several friends, but one in particular who has not passed judgement.  Who even though she saw I was making mistakes...would include me instead of exclude me.  She made me feel valuable when I was feeling very worthless.  I have thanked her so many times for being here for me...but words can never express what her continual friendship has meant to me.  THANK YOU, girlie!!!    ;)  

Love and Blessings,

a.k.a.  new home owner, who now must get back to work!  ;)  
Not sure where this is from, but a friend shared this with me while ago. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

FWF ~ New Chapter~ NEW HOUSE

I missed last week's free writing Friday, due to the fact I was one busy gal!  A busy gal closing on her first house since she's been divorced.  In fact the FIRST house she has gotten totally on her own!!!

I am so excited! I can't wait to have my OWN room! Sounds silly I know..Anyhow....we've shared one bedroom and two closets for the last three years!  Doable, but not ideal!  I am desperately needing my OWN space! MY OWN ROOM!!!    Now, I can do that!  I never thought I'd see this day!  To think just a little over 3 years ago the boys and I were living in a camper and I'd cry myself to sleep wondering HOW I would get through it or IF I ever would!   WELL,  I've done it!  I got through some of the toughest years of my life.  It's been rough, but I did it!!!

I know there are always trials for us to endure, hardships.  With each new one, I will approach it and get through it.  For now, I will revel in the fact that I did it!  I was able to pull myself up by the boot straps and start over!

It feels good!!!!  So happy!  Now back to packing!  I've got a house to move into!!

Have a great and fun weekend y'all!!!

Friday, May 23, 2014

FWF ~ First Time Home Buyer ~

Little late, but better late than never!  Today's free writing Friday is coming a little later this week.  But I've been a little crazy this past week.
Since the separation and divorce the boys and I have called someone else's home our home.  This place we've been living in belongs to a family member.  It served a dual purpose us living here for the last several years. It gave us a roof over our head at an affordable rate while allowing this family member to hold on to something they weren't ready to part with just yet.  It is a cute and tiny house! And when I say tiny...I mean, only one bedroom.  The boys and I have been sharing our about no privacy!  BUT I am not knocking it, it has served a very useful purpose.  It has allowed us to get back on our feet.  It has allowed me to regain my independence and given me the courage to move forward.  It has been our safe place.   MY safe place.

NOW is the time to set out on another first.....I have been in the process of buying my first house.  I have never bought my OWN house.  All the places we lived in while I was married, were already in the possession of my ex.  We called home the family farm.... and I loved it there.  But never got to "pick" my own place.  So the fact I am doing this totally on my own is exciting and at the same time stressful!

This process of buying my first house has been exhausting!  WHAT a process it is!?!?  My closing is slated to be May 30th....and I still haven't gotten a confirmation, a definite that it is indeed happening!  And that has this worry wort, well a little worried.  I keep being told that everything is going well, and as it should.  But everyday, it seems to be something else...that the underwriter wants!  The only thing I haven't provided at this point is my DNA!

I am so not a patient person!  I just want to know that I indeed will be a first time home owner this time next week!  I just want my OWN bedroom!
Is that really too much to ask?!?!  

Now that it is Memorial Day weekend, I must wait another four days to get an answer!!!!  MORE waiting.....So I will take and try to relax this weekend...and practice my patience!  

I wish you all a happy and safe Memorial Day!


Thursday, May 22, 2014

I'm a Single Mom......

I know this is not a new concept!  Women have been raising children on their own for decades!    And there are mixed feelings, reviews, and studies as to how well children turn out in single parent homes. I am not here to say one is better than the other.  And I'm not saying parenting in a two parent home is any easier. Parenting in general is tough.

I have very helpful, reliable parents who make it possible for me to get to work on time in the mornings by seeing my boys off to school.  Who will be there to go pick them up when they are sick and I can't get the time off.  My parents are my support system!  I know I would find a way if I did not have my parents.   I am very grateful and very fortunate to have my parents.  

That all being said.  I want to vent...vent about the fact that the fathers in the divorced relationship not ALWAYS, but in most cases have no freakin' clue what we do! They didn't know what we did when we were married, they have no clue NOW especially.  They get to be the fun weekend parent.  They don't have to worry about homework, carpooling, phone calls from the school, sick kids being sent home from school, taking the kids to their appointments, blah, blah, blah. They don't have to worry about finding child care.   Breakfast, lunch, dinner, NO they only have to worry about taking them to dinner when they pick them up or ordering take out....they get to do the fun activities.  They get to fill their weekends up with fun, they don't deal with the mundane, day to day issues.  So of course the kids can't wait to go to "dads" for the weekend...of course "dad let's you do this, or dad let's you do that".  DAD is the fun part time parent.  They do not parent 24/7.  Oh there are those who actually call their children during the week, and kudos to them that take the time to do so... there are those who don't even do that....BUT you still don't have to be the parent 24/7 and you don't know what it's like to do it alone.

The realization hit me this morning..I am the primary parent.  I AM the one who has to make sure child care is arranged so that I can make it to work on time.  I AM the one who is responsible for everything. And I don't mind it at all, I make it work.  I LOVE being a mom.  I LOVE my boys.  They are my world. BUT the realization that I no longer have a partner to "partner" in parenting my boys, hit me hard today. It overwhelmed me.   I really am a single mom.  And I know I can do it...I will do it. I AM doing it!  I am fine, they are fine, WE will be fine.  BUT it still sux sometimes!  

I would love to hear from other single moms/single parents...Offer up some encouraging words for each other!   How do you do it sometimes?  Does anyone else feel overwhelmed at times?  What do you do when you are feeling overwhelmed?

Monday, May 19, 2014

Learning to be a DIYer ~ More Firsts for Me!! ~

So, among the many other things I'm learning to do on my own since becoming a divorcee, I'm learning to be a DIYer!!

I have no idea what my style would be considered.  I think I'm more of an eclectic mixing and matching.  Shabby chic maybe...I dunno.  Anyways, while I've been trying to figure out what I LIKE and not worried about what I'm told to like, I've decided that I really like the brown/turquoise color scheme.

I've always envied those peeps who can take an old piece of furniture and reinvent it, making it work with their decor.  Wanted to always try it...but have lacked the confidence to go ahead and do it.

I've been looking for a particular TV stand....haven't found exactly what I love or what I thought I was willing to pay that much for.  I was at a local mission/thrift store and found what I think to be a record player stand thingy.  The thought came to me...WHAT if I painted this and then sanded...OR chalk painted...or what if I just tried something different???  It was only $20.00, so what could it hurt?  Why not try it?  That is what I did!  I tried it!  And this is what I got...........

And after........I will cut holes in the back to thread the cords through the back...

I enjoyed expanding my horizons and trying something new and totally out of my box!  I am so ready to do another project...I mean practice makes perfect, right????

Friday, May 16, 2014

FWF ~ Mother's Day Fun ~

This week's free writing Friday, I want to wish everyone a belated Happy Mother's Day!!!

Mother's day weekend we were busy doing mommy and son stuff!  LOVED every minute of it.  Started out Friday, my oldest son had some of his friends over for his birthday.  My youngest and I went walking to just hang out and stay out of Noah's and his friend's hair!

Saturday we were supposed to do family pictures at the park...I was SOOOOO looking forward to pictures with my boys.   But the weather just didn't cooperate!  I was disappointed. The boys were singing praises to the rain for saving them from pictures!   Noah and Camden came up with plan B.  The boys wanted to go spend some leftover Christmas and birthday money.  Off to the mall we went!

I absolutely LOVE going to the mall with my boys!  We usually go the mall and then stop at Arby's....My oldest usually says..."mom, ya know what I'm thinking?"  And I'll say..."I think I see a Arby's hat over your head!"   He'll reply with "you know it".  This time he wanted to treat to Arby's.  Somehow I ended up paying and he got out of "treating everyone" did that happen????  lol

We have the most interesting conversations while driving!  I find all sorts of things out that they've been thinking!  Sometimes I'm in shock, other times, I just shake my head and laugh.  Oh the joys of owning two boys!  lol

We followed up Saturday at the farm with Kodak and Camden practicing his photography skills! Woke ups Sunday to a bowl full of chocolate and presents, and bacon pancakes..yeah...bacon pancakes..LOL   Thank you Noah! Then went to dinner with MY mamma and daddy!   Ended the perfect day with Camden at the park and then at the farm playing photographer again.

My photographer in the making, perhaps?  Taken by Camden
Just when I start feeling overwhelmed with being a mom, a single mom..heck just being a mom is tough single or otherwise.  Anyways, just when I'm feeling at the end of my rope and feeling like I am just not doing enough for my boys...(cause that is one of those single mom things, feeling guilty that you are some how cheating/robbing your children because your marriage failed.) SO just when I'm feeling like a total failure...I get a home made card from one of my children reminding me that I must be doing something right....

Camden knows how to melt my heart!   

Kodak and I posing for Camden ~ per his request!  He's a bit bossy as a photographer, just sayin'  
Loves of my life!!!  My boys!  

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014

FWF ~ A Girl and Her Horse!

Friday date night with Kodak!  LOL  Best date ever!! JS
Wednesday I posted a picture with the title, My Therapist, Kodak.  I've made reference to Kodak and his healing my heart while I helped nurse him back to health.

I have been part of a Christian Western Ranch Camp family for several years now.  I use to be their day camp director.  I still have the privilege of calling them my ranch family.  That is a place where I say "God lives".   A place I call home and feel safe.  Where life all makes sense.  Where I and my boys started putting our lives back together.  

Anyways, it's a ranch..which means there are horses!  I have always loved horses and have wanted one or some of my own.  It was never a reality until I started working for the ranch.  You can't help but be awed by the beauty of horse.  They are strong, they are mysterious, they are the most majestic creature ever created! I became the proud owner of my own horse not long after starting for the ranch.  I lived on the family farm with my it was able to be a reality..for the time being.   

While going through the separation and early part of the divorce, my boys and I lived  at camp. Most evenings after a long days work at the ranch I would go and sit and watch the herd.  I would sit there for hours watching the herd drama unfold and I would just be in awe.  You can learn a lot by watching the dynamics of a herd!  It was healing for my aching soul.   When my world was falling a part and nothing made sense.....this is where I learned to start being strong, to start thinking.  Where I learned to take one step at a time and keep moving forward.  

In addition to everything else I lost through the divorce, I had to come with the terms that since I no longer lived at the family farm, I could no longer keep my horse.  I had to do what was best for me to start over and what was best for my Bella at the time.  She went to a wonderful young girl!  Amazing how that too worked out!  It was meant to be!  I loved Bella, but Bella belonged with Katie.  They are meant to be! While I made a little girls dream come true, mine fell a part....BUT just because one door closes......right???

Fast forward to the summer of of the ranch horses that I have always loved and felt a bond with was seriously injured.  I hadn't been as involved that summer, so I was sort of out of the know. A fellow friend of mine who was doing work at the ranch knew of my love for Kodak, and he too had developed a special bond with Kodak.  When Kodak was injured he contacted me.  He sent me a picture of his wound. I've never seen anything like it!  I know there have been worse...but in my experience that had been the worse I had encountered.   Kodak was not good, it didn't look good.  But my friend started to take care of him and asked if I'd like to contribute to the care of Kodak.  I said yes, of course!  I LOVED Kodak!  

sucking on his candy!  
Kodak had to be in the barn and not in with the rest of the herd.  He required daily care.  I spent many nights with Kodak, tending to his wound, feeding him, grooming him, talking to him, crying over him. Spoiling him! I would sit for hours in his stall with him....propped up against him or the stall door....feeling his breathe, sharing butterscotch and peppermint candies.  He LOVES his butterscotch!  I've never seen a horse suck on candy the way that Kodak does....he sucks on the candy, then chews it, then sticks his tongue out...then sucks some more!  It is hilarious!!!

Back in the fall I obtained primary custody of Kodak and assumed full responsibility for him and his continual care.  We didn't think he'd be able to be back hitting the trails for a very long time...but one fall afternoon, we saddled him up and I started working him!  He was awesome!  

His leg is still mending, but he is amazing!  He runs, gallops as if nothing is wrong!  It truly is a story of a miraculous healing!  

One of the most amazing parts of that we helped each other!  I can't tell you the bond that I have with him now.   So its true...the amazing power of friendship...between a girl and her horse!  
Tacked up ~ first time since his injury.
A friend of mine snapped this pic...this is where I spent many of nights!  

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Do Over

Feeling very emotional today, and the fact that TOM has come for his monthly visit doesn't help!

Today started with me having an argument with someone that I did not intend to argue with. I didn't want to argue with them.  But I did and I feel badly.   I've found that when I want my voice to be heard. Sometimes I let my emotions get the best of me.  I'm not proud of of my many flaws.  I just wanted to be heard and have my thoughts and my point be validated. Turns out that my point is not valid. That I just over react and over think things.  But seriously, IF there was something that I could do to ease an insecurity or make a loved one feel more secure then I would do it. Borrowing it doesn't involve anything illegal or immoral.  I would do what I could even if I disagreed if it meant that much to that some one.   I guess that is another flaw of mine.

My day at work also went poorly.  Sometimes what I do can involve somewhat dangerous and scary situations.  Today was both of those..or at least I felt very threatened.  Today was the very first day at in the almost 2 years of being there, that I felt really threatened. I was a tad bit shaken by the events at work.  But I STILL love what I do!

You would think that after spending day after day helping others redirect their feelings, emotions and actions into something constructive and beneficial that I would find it easier to do so myself.  I find however that sometimes I suck at it personally!   I find that I let fear, insecurities, past failures, and my flaws over ride what I KNOW I should do.  And... well then I end up having an argument with someone I care about and feel even worse than I did at the beginning of the day.   Such is the case for today.   I am so frustrated with myself!!

I have told those I work with when they make mistakes, that we all make mistakes. The important thing to do is own up to the mistake and make amends where amends can be made and move forward.  I say let's have a do over.

I can't take back some of the insane things I said this morning, I can't go back. I have apologized for my behavior.  I will learn from this mistake.  Hopefully I will handle it differently next time.  Or perhaps as my heart continues to heal and I continue to re discover myself I won't let those insecurities that I was having today bother me as much in the future.

Tomorrow is a new day. New start, new beginnings.  DO OVER.



Friday, May 2, 2014

Free Writing Friday ~ True Friendship Never Ends....or so I thought.

Timer set....ready, gooooo.....

I'm sorry my friend, that I've disappointed you.  I'm sorry that I have made some poor choices over these last few years while my whole world fell a part.  I'm sorry that I am not the "same" Marcy you knew way back then. With all due respect, I had no idea who Marcy was!  I'm sorry that the Marcy that I was discovering was not the one you approved of.  

How do you go from being my biggest mentor, my biggest supporter, one of the most important people in my life to just totally cutting my out of your life/lives.  You are the one who taught me to step out of my box. You're the one who told me "God has something more for you".   You told me that I would always have a place there with you and your family.   You taught me SOOOO MUCH.  How to be strong, how to have a voice. 

And when you were making a huge hurtful mistake in your life so many years ago, I was not happy with you, I saw the pain you were causing your loved one and those who looked up to you.  I told you of my concern. You told me it was no concern of mine.  You told me that with all due respect you knew what you were doing and that it was all good.  Turns out it wasn't, and you hurt yourself as well as several people because your err in judgment.   I was still there loving and supporting you when the dust settled.  I didn't agree with you then, but I didn't leave you or abandon our relationship because of your choice.   

So why when I made a choice that you did not agree with and made it known to you that I "knew what I was doing", even though it turns out I had no freakin' clue!  I was being naive, well let's just call it was it is..stupid.  So why after my poor choice and the dust has settled have you abandoned me and our relationship?  It hurts me deeply that you have walked away from our friendship because of a poor choice I made.  

I'm sorry that I didn't turn out to be who you thought I was.  I'm sorry that the Marcy that you helped step outside of her box was a disappointment to you.  

Just so you know, I am STILL that Marcy. I have not abandoned my faith.  I still have a heart after God.  I still love others with all of my heart.  I still do my best.  I still stand up for my faith, and my beliefs.  I still stand up for what I know to be right.  I still give of myself. I am still a little battered and bruised. BUT I am so much stronger than I was.  And that is in part because of you.  So thank you for teaching me so much. But just so you know I am deeply hurt that we are no longer friends.  

I wish you all the best my dear friend.  I will always be grateful for what you have taught me.  



Monday, April 28, 2014

White Bean & Tuna Salad

White bean salad with garlic Parmesan pretzel thins.
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
2 tsp. Dijon mustard
1 minced garlic clove
1/4 cup olive oil
Salt & pepper
1 -15 oz can white beans, drained and rinsed
2 - 5 oz cans water packed tuna, drained and flaked
1 large tomato, cored, seeded and chopped
1/2 small red onion, chopped finely
1/4 cup chopped parsley

In a small bowl, mix juice, mustard and garlic.  Add oil whisking constantly.  Season with pepper.

Mix beans, tuna, tomato, onion, parsley in a large bowl.  Add dressing and toss to coat.  Taste and adjust seasoning base upon personal preference.

Serve this over mixed greens if you'd like.  Or this can be an appetizer served on toasted crusted bread. Or even eat as is.

I made this Saturday and ate it as a light dinner.  Was craving something salty and crunchy so I ate it with some pretzel thins. YUM!

Takes about 10 mins to prep. and serves about 4 peeps!  About 350 calories per serving.

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Sunday, April 27, 2014

R.I.P. Mr. Spider

I'm sorry things had to end this way Mr. Spider.  It's not you, it's me.   You see, I love that you are all about the great outdoors and you take care of those little insects that wreak havoc on our crops and such.  I don't even mind that your legs are hairy.  

What bothers me is the fact that you have 8 of those hairy legs....and the fact that you have several pairs of eyes.  And how you delight in staying hidden then all of a sudden you come running out just to scare me!  

I wouldn't mind so much if you just maintained your personal space.  But when you invade my personal space...I'm sorry to say....NO WAY!   I like my personal space.   So since you invaded my personal space and gave me a rude awakening.....I must send you packing!  

YOU'VE GOT TO GO!   I tried to do it in the most humane way, but sometimes when it comes to self defense....things don't go as planned.   I'm sorry, Mr. Spider that it had to end this way...really I am.  But please respect my personal space!!!   

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Saturday Stroll Through the Park

I had it in my mind that I wanted to go riding again today.  However I had forgotten that I already had a lot on my plate.  Usually when I go riding, it's an all day event and today's schedule just didn't provide enough time for that!

Today did have enough time for me to take a stroll in one of my favorite parks here in Western PA, Mingo Creek Park.  LOVE it!  And it's only 5 minutes from my house!  They have an amazing trail, not to mention the covered bridges.

I love being outside at every possible moment!  I love looking at all the unique tree shapes, stones, rocks, the way the creek winds through the landscape!  Love all the valleys, and hills...even the ones I've got to huff and puff walking up!  It is just truly amazing!

Today I went with a friend of mine!  She is an amazing photographer and young lady.  She and I took along our cameras.  I am not an amazing photographer, but I like to play around.  So that's what we did!  It was interesting to see the things she stopped to take pictures of and what I'd stop to take pictures of.  She seems to be more of a tree picture taker! I on the other hand seem to be drawn to the water and rocks!  We were both drawn to taking pictures looking up the trees and the sky!

There is nothing more amazing and beautiful than God's creation.  The beauty that lies all around us. And there is nothing like a stroll in the park to remind me just HOW beautiful nature is!  And the 5 miles that we walked is just BONUS!!!     =)

Friday, April 25, 2014

Free Writing ....

A friend of mine gave me a book about writing for your well being.  And in this book the author gives writing exercises.   One of those exercises is free writing.  I use to do free writing pretty regularly and this book has brought up all those memories of writing exercises that I've done in the past.

Years ago I started free writing as a way to decompress when I was struggling with my emotions.  By simply sitting down and letting the pen just go....I would write my feelings down on paper.  I would sometimes go back and re read it, but not always.  I didn't care if what I wrote made sense or was grammatically correct. It didn't matter, I wasn't being graded on it. I just needed to vent!  Free writing is therapeutic for me.  I had gotten out of the habit of doing it until Dare to Dream Again took root. Free writing is just what it says...simply writing.  Writing whatever comes to mind.  It is not only therapeutic for me, but also helps "clean out" all the gunk in my brain and help me re focus.  So I think it's time to dig out some old writing exercises and start writing for my well being in addition to hopefully becoming a better writer.     

So with this in mind, I'm going to try to do Free Writing Fridays.   I am already posting pictures on Wordless Wednesdays.  So perhaps the Friday Funnies pics are not the way to go.   Gonna set my timer for 5-10 minutes.  I'm going to pick something that happened through out the week in my life, at home, at work, etc. and free write!    Gonna see where my pen....or in this case laptop will take me!

Marcy  :)