Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Epic FAIL!!!

So yesterday I was saying how I am getting better at squelching my insecurity so that it does not get the best of me for too long....WELL, okay, NOT!  I thought I over came that little bump of an insecurity only to be reminded this morning that I had not totally squelched it!  WHAT the heck is wrong with me?

I can be so strong and confident sometimes...but then there is the other side to that..where I let my insecurities win and I FAIL.

I over think and am too sensitive sometimes, and that it is the cause of a few arguments that I have had with a particular person.   And when I think about why I let certain things that this person does or doesn't do affect me the way I do, I can't understand it.  I guess I just expect this person to let me down.  That is not fair to them, nor to myself.  I am setting myself up for failure.   Am I trying to sabotage something good?  I really am not!

While processing this today, I guess, I have come a long way since my divorce and the emotional baggage that has been a part of my journey. But I still have a ways to go.  I went for counseling when I first entered the separation/divorce process..and that gave me a lot of tools to use to over come a lot.  However I still have some obstacles in my way that are keeping me from being totally healed.   I need to go back to the basics.  So today was an epic fail...tomorrow is a new day.  AND I will keep on trying and using the tools I've been given to overcome those insecurities!!

1 comment:

  1. No one ever trips over a mountain. Its the little pebbles along the way that can cause us to fall. But when you look behind you you will realize that you have crossed over a mountain. Hang in there. Every day is not the perfect days that you see in photos. Its the days in between that is life. I think u said it best- tomorrow is another day. U are far more advanced than many. U are willing to admit flaws. U try to fix them. But not all is a flaw. It merely a part of who you are. What makes you you. Sooo how are u going to be the best you???? Because right now you are pretty awesome.
